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Pen Turning Pictures: Click on any of the pictures to view a larger picture.
 Penturners pictures DSC04948.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club
 Penturners pictures DSC04940.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures DSC04933.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club
Here are two of the final Pens I made to send the Freedom Pens Project. They are very Partiotic Red, White and Blue Corian for the top 1/2 of the pen, and Red Oak for the Pen tips. I got the idea for these pens and the material from the www.FreedomPens.org website. These pen were not my Idea, so I cannot take credit. I copied some other I have seen. These are not exactly the same as the pens I saw and tried to duplicate, But I need to give credit to pen turners who have come before me on this pen project.
 Penturners pictures DSC04934.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures 101_1862.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures DSC04937.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures DSC04947.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club
 Penturners pictures DSC04943.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures DSC04945.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures DSC04942.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures DSC04936.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club
 Penturners pictures DSC04939.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club
Here is a picture of the collection of Pen blanks I have ready to turn and ship off. I am trying to get these done to deliver to the Pen for the troups project.
 Penturners pictures 101_1863.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures 101_1865.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures 101_1861.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club  Penturners pictures DSC04944.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club

Here is a picture of the blanks on the Mandrel after I have done the work of rounding them down from square to round. I will be able to complete the pen from this point in about 10 minutes.
 Penturners pictures DSC04935.jpg for the Wasatch Pen Turners Club

email addr in image
NOTE: My email address is shown here in the picture with my Jeepin Dog. I had to put it in a picture so I wouldn't get so much spam email. If you have questions please email me.